Fasting is deliberating abstaining from food to spend time with God.

  • Try to spend one day (24 hours) in fasting sometime this week.
  • If you are pregnant, diabetic or have any kind of medical condition, talk to a medical professional before fasting.
  • The purpose of fasting is to intentionally go without something (food) so that we may more fully live with God.
  • Use your time of fasting to connect with God through prayer, meditation or memorizing Scripture. Don’t just busy yourself w/other activities.
    • Drink plenty of water.
    • Fasting can also be used for spiritual renewal, healing, resolution of problems, special grace to handle a difficult situation.
    • Spend time during your fast asking for God’s guidance.
    • Break your fast slowly by eating fruits and vegetables for your first meal.
    • For more information on fasting, visit