The first person born in the Bible is a guy named Cain. In many ways, he blazes the trail when it comes to anger. Before Cain kills his brother, God warns “sin is crouching at your door.” Blinded to his anger, Cain makes the devastating decision and kindles a fire of violence yet to be extinguished. Although Cain’s response is extreme, anger does have incredible power, including the ability to lower a person’s intelligence.

But not all anger is bad. There is also a righteous anger that can serve a good purpose. We’ll talk about it all on Sunday as we kick off our new series on “What’s Holding You Back?”

Join us on Sunday and invite a friend for this new series. Services are at 8:30 & 10am on Sundays. FaithPoint’s Campus is located at 1051 270th St. W. New Prague. Live Streaming available at 10:00 AM on Facebook or on our website.
Pastor Steve Trewartha