If you are at all a football fan, you probably know that the Minnesota Vikings are having a pretty good season (so far). Even though they are 6-1, many fans know all too well, what it is to be let down. I heard one discouraged fan quip, “When I die, I want the Minnesota Vikings to be my pallbearers, so that they can let me down one last time.”

Discouragement is part of life. When the four friends, who wanted to help their disabled friend get healed at a house Jesus was teaching at, saw that the doorway to Jesus was completely blocked, they had every reason to be discouraged. But they
didn’t give up. They looked for another way to bring the man to Jesus. They lowered him through the roof!

This Sunday (8:30 or 10:00 AM) we’ll look at discouragement through the lives of people in the Bible who faced it, and worked through it. FaithPoint’s Campus is located at 1051 270th St. W. New Prague. Live Streaming available at 10:00 AM on Facebook or on our website.
Pastor Steve Trewartha