“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.” – Proverbs 27:1

When tragedy strikes, I often whisper to myself, “Tomorrow is promised to no one.” Sometimes people refer to such times as “hitting a wall,” which usually means something like, “I’ve got nothing left,” or “I’ve reached my limit and I can’t take it anymore.”

The topic of the wall is one of the least-often preached about aspects of our walk of faith. I suspect it’s because it challenges many of the easy, pat answers about our faith. And it’s something people don’t want to hear about. But the wall is out there for every person of faith. It’s waiting for you. It’s not a question of whether you will hit the wall, only a question of when, and what circumstances will bring you to it. It’s different for everybody, but we nearly always come to the wall as the result of something happening to us that challenges our faith.

The wall can challenge everything we have ever believed, and may shake the very core of our life. The Bible is not silent about the wall … and that’s why we’ll take an honest journey to it on Sunday. I hope you’ll join us for worship. FaithPoint’s Campus is located at 1051 270 th St. W. New Prague. SUNDAY SERVICES ARE AT 8:30 AND 10:00 AM. Live Streaming is available at 10:00 AM.

Pastor Steve Trewartha