This Week at FaithPoint…

Saturday, Feb. 9 Men’s Breakfast 7:30-9am Sunday, Feb. 10 Worship at 8:30 & 10am  Women’s Bible Study 6:30-8 pm Monday, Feb. 11 Prayer meeting 10am HS Youth Nerf War 7-8:30pm Wednesday, Feb. 13 Women’s Bible Study 10-11:30am JAM 5:30-7pm...

Fasting Basics

Fasting is deliberating abstaining from food to spend time with God. Try to spend one day (24 hours) in fasting sometime this week. If you are pregnant, diabetic or have any kind of medical condition, talk to a medical professional before fasting. The purpose of...

Happy Birthday, Dear Church!

On Sunday, Sept. 30, FaithPoint will celebrate our first birthday (officially Oct. 9th) as a church! We will have cupcakes in the commons area after the worship service at the high school.  We will also have some activities for the kids, ministry information tables,...

January 20, 2013

Learn the basics of prayer and some very practical helps in learning to pray, and how powerful and important prayer can be in your life.

January 13, 2013

We face temptations every day and we all know what it is to be overcome with the passion to consume, acquire or possess more.  Together we’ll learn that discipline (and long-term joy) is the willingness to subordinate what we want now, for what we want eventually. ...